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Cooking guide / tagli di carne

BBQ time

The best unusual cuts of meat for grilling

Here is Carne Genuina's definitive ranking of the best unusual cuts of meat that you can find in our online butcher shop perfect for the grill.
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American beef cuts and translation into Italian

Uncle Tom's cuts of beef take shape - and a name - on the Italian table. It was time!
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Tra Giappone e Italia

The Wagyu Box: a delicious treasure chest

Japanese beef is becoming popular in kitchens all over the world for its particular taste, high marbling and unique maturation. Let's discover our Wagyu Tasting Box!
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Beef brisket : history, uses and curiosities

For Texans, beef brisket is something irreplaceable and must be made with the utmost care. Here are some curiosities.
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Cuts of meat in the kitchen: the genuine guide

Which cut of meat should we choose when we approach a recipe? Which is enhanced by spices and various ingredients? Let's find out together.
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Oltre la Fiorentina

The different types of steak

It's easy to say beef steak, but it's more complicated to choose the best, most delicious, soft and succulent one. Let's discover 8 types together!
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Facili e veloci

Ribeye and Chuck roll: steak tenderness!

The back of the beef offers optimal solutions for bringing a tasty steak to the table. Ribeye and Chuck Roll compete for the podium for the perfect steak.
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Consigli di lettura

Inevitable in the kitchen: books on meat

We have chosen for you the best books on meat to learn every trick and to bring unique and genuine recipes to the table.
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Gustoso e versatile

Striploin : a thousand ways to praise the cut of meat

Striploin is obtained from the loin of beef and is suitable for many preparations in the kitchen. The meat is tender, excellent for short and medium cooking.
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Segreti in cucina

How do you cut a steak ?

Knife slightly bent, fork planted firmly in the piece of meat and off you go...Error! Industry gurus reveal the secrets and importance of cutting for a unique tasting experience.
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Il dry aging

The maturation of the meat

Maturation is a delicate process that allows the meat to mature and achieve an intense and decisive flavour.
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Scarti gourmet

Offal : ancient delicacy

Once they were considered waste, the less noble parts of the bovine that were consumed in less wealthy families, now considered as a delicacy: we are talking about the fifth quarter.
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29 results