Stew and polenta
The recipe for meat stew with polenta
A typical dish of Bergamo cuisine is, without a shadow of a doubt, polenta which, alongside the stew, manages to enhance the dish, giving that added value that never tires!
In the lowlands in winter and in the mountains - also - in summer, the stew with polenta is an undisputed success. To adapt the dish to modern times without neglecting that touch of tradition, you can choose this recipe and unleash waves of smiles and appreciation among the diners.
In short, the stew with polenta cream seems to be one of those dishes that everyone agrees on: for me it is yes, for me too. Fill my plate, thanks.
Tradition, gourmet recipes and quality
If respecting the traditional procedure is an obligation, the risk of creating a cream of polenta rather than the classic solid and watertight one is a whim of the imagination .
Alongside the desire to discover new dishes, there is the need to bring healthy, genuine and good dishes to the table. This is why it is essential to choose reliable, top quality ingredients.
The vacuum-packed meat from our online butcher's shop represents an excellent ally which, thanks to the Bovì Boxes offered in the store, allows unusual and bizarre combinations that stimulate the imagination and the desire to get into the kitchen.
Gourmet stews with polenta
The recipe is divided into two phases . On one side the stew and all the necessary ingredients, and on the other the polenta cream which will be used to create a scenographic backdrop to the main dish.
For the stew
- 600 g of beef stew
- 2 carrots
- 1 white onion
- 2 sticks of celery
- Parsley, basil, salt and black pepper
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Half a glass of red wine
- 1 glass of water
For the polenta cream
- 250 g of corn flour
- 100 g of taleggio DOP
- water to taste
Carne Genuina offers a ready-to-use solution, already chopped and ready to be cooked. The correct procedure requires removing the meat from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking , so as to avoid thermal shock when cutting the meat. In any case, the ideal measurement for each piece of meat is approximately 2 cm per side .
Finely cut the carrots , celery and white onion to create the base for the sauce .
In a pressure cooker , add the sautéed meat , pour 4 level spoons of extra virgin olive oil , a pinch of pepper and salt , the meat and leave to brown for a few minutes with half a glass of red wine .
At the end, when the wine has evaporated, add parsley and basil , close the lid and set the timer for 90 minutes . If the preparation is too moist, leave to cook with the lid open for a few more minutes, taking care to stir occasionally.
In a pan, preferably made of copper , add 500 ml of water, seasoned with salt . When it has reached the boil , slowly pour in the yellow flour , using a wooden spoon to start mixing . If you use instant flour , 5 minutes will be enough, otherwise try to reach a medium-soft consistency.
At the end, add the cheese previously cut into cubes , so as to create a sort of slightly more solid velvety soup .
The last phase of the preparation of the dish is intended for plating. Choose to create a base with the polenta and place the stew on it, then sprinkle the sauce over it .
Or you can divide the plate in two and arrange the polenta cream on one side and the stew on the other, creating a sort of black and white.
The aroma of the dish is rich, just like the flavour, all that remains is to reach the table and savor the stew with polenta cream.
Enjoy your meal!