Taleggio DOP (blue writing)
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The Taleggio DOP blue writing from the Taddei dairy is a soft cheese produced with milk, salt and rennet. The milk comes from farms certified for the production of Taleggio DOP. Taleggio is a raw cheese with a washed rind, characterized by the so-called centripetal maturation, that is, from the rind to the center of the wheel.
The paste is straw-white in colour, soft in the undercrust, more structured in the center of the wheel. The creamy undercrust is given by the maturation progress, also called proteolysis - the creaminess is lower than its red written brother . Taleggio is defined as a washed rind cheese, because during maturation it is subjected to sponging with water and salt to control the mold that develops on the rind, these molds contribute significantly to the maturation.