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Organic vitello tonnato: lightness and quality

Italian meat, with boasts and peculiarities

The Bergamo and Italian online butcher's shop allows you to discover small - and large, indeed very large - gems that convey all the passion of the artisanal agri-food supply chain of the Bel Paese. Among the various super excellences there is one that is very often mistaken for foreign, perhaps due to its somewhat - too - naive name. We are talking about vitel tonnè pardon, veal with tuna sauce which represents a pride of Piedmontese cuisine.

Vitello tonnato recipes with Italian meat, did you know that…

When it comes to vitello tonnato, there are two very different recipes: one is very ancient, the other more modern version was born around the 1980s and has enjoyed enormous success, obscuring its true origin. However, the true added value of the recipe lies in the main ingredient which, in addition to being 100% Italian meat, must come from a particular breed of meat to express its best. Our choice falls on organic meat from the Limousine breed of cattle which, thanks to its characteristics, allows the recipe to be translated into something sublime and difficult to forget.

Modern recipe

You think of vitello tonnato and you immediately think of a thin slice of enriched meat covered in mayonnaise - strictly homemade - combined with tuna and a pinch of lemon. Finally, the dish must be completed with organic capers, otherwise there is no taste. The creation is quite long, but the result will be truly fantastic! Here is the veal with tuna recipe perfect for a summer meal.

Organic veal with tuna ingredients

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 800 g of Limousine silverside or veal pulp with tuna sauce
  • 250g of white wine
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 tablespoons of EVO oil
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 golden onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt, black pepper and cloves to taste

Ingredients of tuna sauce (fundamental in the modern version)

  • 3 anchovies in oil
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 can of tuna in oil
  • 1 handful of capers

Veal with tuna sauce with organic meat

Clean and carefully wash the vegetables needed to prepare the sauté. Cut into small pieces and combine with the garlic in a bowl. Place the organic Limousine silverside in a large saucepan, add the previously prepared vegetables, bay leaf, cloves, pepper and salt.

Place on the stove over low heat and deglaze with white wine. Add water to cover the cut of organic meat, pour in the oil and close with a lid. Leave to cook for approximately 40 minutes and occasionally skim off any foam that rises to the surface.

Remove the lid and let the second part of white wine evaporate. Once cooked, remove from the heat, drain and let the meat cool by wrapping it in aluminum foil. If necessary, you can conserve the cooking water as meat broth following one of the genuine meat ideas. The vegetables will instead be used to prepare the sauce.

In the meantime, cook the hard-boiled eggs for 9 minutes and leave to cool. Combine the eggs and cooking vegetables with the anchovies and capers, mix everything until you create a dense and creamy mixture.

Cut the meat into thin slices and arrange them on a serving plate, sprinkle until completely covered with the sauce. Leave to rest for a few minutes in the refrigerator and serve.

Italian beef

The solutions for bringing traditional or ancient dishes to the table are, thanks to the numerous possibilities offered by the ingredients of Italian cuisine, truly vast. You need to choose Italian meat, learn to recognize and rely on the expert hands of master butchers who choose to put on the market quality cuts of meat created in an artisanal way with full respect for the animal and current discipline. Sometimes it is imagination that reigns supreme, other times it is the desire to relive distant memories of a time gone by. Whatever your preference, with Carne online Genuina you can. Choose and receive, prepare and enjoy!