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La prima edizione

Feast on the Hague

On 12 October 2019 the F.lli Assanelli agricultural company opened its gates to everyone! A fantastic party full of events and workshops saw adults and children as protagonists.

The Hague Festival ended in style thanks to the large participation of friends and onlookers.

The farm welcomed festive children and set up a small playground in perfect peasant style : a part of the patio was intended exclusively for the little ones who enjoyed jumping between one bale of hay and another and running in the meadow .

The volunteers, who came in large numbers, gave the experience of a tractor ride , the reward was dinner at the food trucks present. In short, a day full of joy and good habits!

What is the Hague Festival ?

The F.lli Assanelli Agricultural Company has chosen to organize the first Festival in the Hague and open the gate to everyone. Getting to know the meat we bring to the table up close is very important, especially for those who want to relive the emotions that reigned supreme in the farms of the past.

Living in the midst of nature, welcoming participants and offering workshops to introduce the little ones to the magical world of agriculture . The older ones are able to grasp the essence of the event thanks to food trucks that satisfy their taste buds immersed in a unique location in close contact with the nature that surrounds us.

For an afternoon we forget the concrete and the comforts of our four walls to live an experience capable of teaching the origin of the steak we put on our plate.

The event program

The preparations for the event saw the commitment of volunteers and the company owners themselves who managed to organize a fantastic party both from an educational and fun point of view!

The day developed around various initiatives that livened up every corner of the farm:

  • Flames on the stove! Kitchens mark the beginning of the day! 4 Eatinero food trucks offered their delicacies based on burgers, craft beers, gourmet sandwiches and delicious desserts.
  • Face painting , games and workshops: the first afternoon chose the little ones as the protagonists
  • The educational visits allowed participants to learn about and recognize the different animals that live on the farm.
  • Alongside the breeding, our master butchers gave life to an unusual, fun and instructive lesson .
  • During the evening the attention shifted towards the music and the concert of Andrea Van Cleef

The bizarre idea for a teaching event

The desire to tell how a cut of meat is created and how to recognize a fine steak is the key idea that revolves around the first edition of the Hague Festival.

Learning while having fun is the best way to go home and be aware of what we bring to our plate. The period in which we live pays a lot of attention to the territory that surrounds us, to respect for nature, to the need to find a point of union that supports the comforts we have built for ourselves and the needs of the surrounding world: why not teach these values ​​to the little ones choosing a fun method?

Laugh, smile, have fun and learn! This is the teaching that the Hague Festival conveyed to all participants. Organizing educational visits to the farm and the area intended for the preparation of cuts of meat is the perfect solution to find a moment in which the little ones can start to acquire the right amount of awareness that will help them become adults.

The event and promotion

The event was promoted on the company Facebook page and was a notable success...rumors tell of the desire to repeat it next year . Even according to the little ones!

Moreno is a 9 year old boy who loves being immersed in nature:

"I participated because my sister told me there were so many animals!"

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes, even though I'm big on baby face painting and playing with hay bales. But there was a gentleman who explained to me how to collect milk and how to recognize a cow from a bull. Then, we went near the house and there was a cow drawn on the wall, do you know what I had for dinner? The steak and I told my dad where it came from, because that gentleman explained it to me."

Bovì is an e-commerce that seeks to enhance the human relationship , the boxes it offers on the site can also be purchased - upon reservation - directly in the company . If you want to allow your child to understand where the steak on his plate comes from, don't waste time! Pass by the F.lli Assanelli farm.